22 711 gravidanze conseguite oltre i 21 anni
Il trasferimento di embrione

Frozen embryo transfer is considerably less complicated than the classic IVF program. It consists of three stages: getting the endometrium ready, transferring the embryos and maintaining the luteal phase. 

Frozen embryo transfer is one of ART techniques. 

Basically, it is an in-vitro fertilization program minus the stimulation stage. This technique is advisable when the IVF protocol for some reason was unsuccessful. By preserving the embryos, the parents receive a kind of moral support boost, because even if the first try fails, there is always a second chance. Besides, it will be easier and a lot cheaper. 

Many couples choose to tray frozen embryo transfer program after a successful IVF attempt to have a second baby. 

The end result of this technique depends on various factors which include:

  • The quality of the frozen embryo
  • The endometrial thickness and if it is ready for the embryo transfer
  • The hormonal therapy strategy.

Some scientists claim that the high dosage of hormones that women are injected with during the stimulation can alter the qualities of their endometrium and may have negative effect on its ability to accept and nourish the embryo. 

If the patients use the frozen embryo transfer program, there is no need to do take hormones in such high doses, which makes this program closer to the natural way of things. Consequently, the pregnancy is likely to go more smoothly from the physiological point of view. 

Is it necessary for the father to do a medical check-up with this protocol? Yes, it is. Even though he is not actually involved in the process of the transfer and has done the required tests during the first cycle, the frozen embryo transfer recommendations list does contain several obligatory examinations. As for the mother, out of all the usual hormone level exams she only has to do the progesterone blood test, because this hormone is prescribed to ensure a healthy pregnancy. 

Sometimes, though fairly rarely, the usual superovulation stimulation protocol is still required to prepare the endometrium for the transfer. This happens when there is no natural ovulation and if the standard preparatory procedures yielded no results. 
Regardless of their education level, many people still consider embryo cryopreservation a dangerous procedure that has the potential to harm their future baby. Sometimes, it may be hard for the parents to understand this process. These couples would rather dispose of their spare embryos, which is completely unnecessary and unfounded, just because they are afraid to freeze it. 

However, it is essential to realize the difference between a common freezing and cryopreservation. When you freeze something the usual way, the water in the issues crystalizes under the influence of low temperatures and destroys the cell membranes. Cryopreservation in liquid nitrogen happens at the ultra-low temperature of -196 С°. Under these conditions, the ice simply does not have enough time to form. After they are defrosted, more than a half of all embryos can be successfully implanted into the womb tissue and start developing there. Out of 100 frozen embryos, only 5 or 6 of them are lost. Studies have proved that in those cases the cause of death is not related to cryopreservation, but is normally of genetic origin. Large-scale case studies have also demonstrated, that children born from frozen embryos are not any different from other children in terms of general health and course of development, and the pregnancy is usually less problematic. It might be connected to lower amount emotional stress for the parents. 

Frozen embryos can be preserved for a very long time. An additional prove to that is the birth of a girl named Emma in 2017. Her embryo has been cryopreserved for 25 years, since 1992. The only condition is to strictly abide by the rules of cryopreservation and defrosting procedures. 

In Altravita we use various ART techniques. Thanks to high-level equipment and the skills of our doctors, we keep our statistic results up to the highest standards. You can get more information about cryopreservation from our gynecologists. Call the clinic using the phone number on our website and make an appointment.

Call the clinic using the phone number on our website and make an appointment.


Yuliya Maklygina

Yuliya Maklygina

  • Geneticist

Anton Bolt

Anton Bolt

  • Capo Embriologo
Sergey Yakovenko

Sergey Yakovenko

  • CEO, embryologist, PhD, Associate Professor at Moscow State University, Department of Biophysics.

Yaroslav Lugovtsov

Yaroslav Lugovtsov

  • Ultrasonographer, MD

Nina Sheina

Nina Sheina

  • Gynecologist obstetrician

Zarema Barakhoeva

Zarema Barakhoeva

  • Endocrinologo riproduttivo, Ginecologo, Dottore in Medicina, Dottorato Di Ricerca
Konstantin Kirienko

Konstantin Kirienko

  • Capo Embriologo, Dottorato Di Ricerca
Irina Yermilova

Irina Yermilova

  • Capo Embriologo, Dottorato Di Ricerca
Valentina Apryshko

Valentina Apryshko

  • Responsabile del laboratorio FIVET, Dottorato Di Ricerca
Victoria Gnipova

Victoria Gnipova

  • Ginecologo Ostetrico, Dottorato Di Ricerca

Programmi di fecondazione in vitro popolari

La Clinica Altravita occupa posizioni di primo piano nel campo della medicina riproduttiva, del trattamento dell'infertilità femminile e maschile, degli studi citogenetici e di genetica molecolare.



Oksana, 15 Oct 2019 г.

Grazie mille, Dr. Vladimir Valentinovich, Lei è sia una persona meravigliosa che uno specialista eccezionale!!! Il 10 aprile abbiamo avuto la nostra preziosa bambina grazie alla Sua terapia ed all'approccio unico. Ha sempre saputo esattamente cosa dire per tirarci su. Nonostante tutti i fallimenti, Lei non ha mai perso la speranza e ha continuato ad inventare nuovi piani di trattamento fino a quando finalmente ci siamo riusciti. La ringrazio ancora una volta e Le auguro successo nel Suo lavoro!

AltraVita IVF